Monday, August 15, 2022

Quest One


 “Your party exits the adventurers’ hall, eager to start your first quest as a new party. One of the first parts is to go to merchant alley, where all of the shops and stalls have nearly everything you need. The market place has people from across the nations, selling regional foods, craft, and goods that you may otherwise never heard from. There’s everything you could need, a blacksmith, leather worker, clothmaker, woodcraft shop, magic shop with potions, spells, books, and bottle’o Familiars. Even the merchants hold unique character; A calm water genasi is floats over a fountain in the middle of the market, while a fire genasi fights with an earth genasi across from the fountain. You get approached by an air genasi, ‘Would you like to come to my shop? I sell clouds, rainwater from the feyrealm, and magic beans that’ll let you grow a vine all the way to a cloud giants home.’ She points to a shop with the symbols of fire, water, earth, and air; as the 4 genasi’s spotted outside share the space.  =Other shop keepers are calling and pointing out people on the streets to come take a look and haggle. You smell the scent of a variety of foods, down one street is the smell of a few bakeries, bread rolls, sweet rolls, cakes and cookies. On the other hand, a street smells like meat, potatoes, and warm homemade stews. The market us packed with people from the city, shopping for their morning groceries, or adventurers preparing to leave.

As you walk through the market, checking out shops, and talking to people….

                What is your passive perception? You can also roll perception...

                At least one member with a passive perception roll of 12 or higher to achieve the following results:

You notice the sound of glass breaking, and see a fellow dressed in a dark cloak running through the crowd. A handful of others on the streets are pushed and knocked over. The guy runs through the crowd, trying to find a good time to blend in and escape. You look down from where he ran from, seeing the front window of a shop complete destroyed, glass all over the ground. The shop keep clearly looks upset and worried, as guards try to calm her down. Other guards try to chance down the strange fellow who smashed the window, and stole some expensive items.

                What do you do?

·         Chase down the criminal? Investigate the shop? Help the shop keeper? Ignore the problem all together? Other?

·         What are the consequences for not helping (choosing one option over another), or choosing to ignore the problem?

1 comment:

  1. Jamie: +1 weapon
    Michael: +1 weapon
    Max: +1d6 poison damage to on any attack
    Tyce: Wand of Elements. Nature and Water
    Lucas: reaction to apply 1d10 radiant damage to an attack, or 10 additional healing to your pool.
    James: Ring of resistance
    Rowan: Ion stone of strength
    David: +1 sword


Quest Two

  Part One After helping the shop keeper, they let each party member take one item as a reward, and then a party wide item is also given. Ea...